
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Islamic Finance Course

This week we launched an online course called Fundamentals of Islamic Finance, which is designed to build skills in a rapidly growing area. The course was built by our partner Knowledge Platform and we are the first to offer the course in Hong Kong and China.

Hong Kong has made a big push to establish itself as a center for Islamic Finance, and in so doing has to compete with Singapore, KL and Dubai for business in Asia. While many banks proclaim their desire to be in the Islamic Finance space, few have put together the training needed to build serious competency.

Fundamentals of Islamic Finance is made up of two courses - one for beginners and one that is more advanced. The course provides a comprehensive foundational learning experience on basic definitions, concepts, rules, transaction structures, cases and issues relating to the subject so it's perfect for companies that want to roll out some broad education. Knowledge Platform build it to be consistent with the standards as published by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

If you want to see a demo of the course, send me an email and I will arrange that for you.